.. _NeurEco Dynamic: NeurEco Discrete Dynamic ========================= NeurEco Discrete Dynamic template works with uniformly spaced time series. Given the excitation input time series and corresponding outputs, the Discrete Dynamic template creates a recurrent neural network model capable of stable long-term predictions. These models can simulate not only strongly nonlinear (nearly chaotic) phenomena and highly dynamic(long-term) problems **NeurEco Dynamic** requires *neureco_dynamic* license. This license gives access to all functionalities for **Dynamic** except for the export of the model to the formats other than the native binary files. Even though the size limiting feature was developed with a view to increase even more the model’s embeddability (see :std:ref:`Control the size of the NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model during Build`), for user’s flexibility this feature is made available under *neureco_dynamic* license. An add-on license is required only when preparing for actual embedding of the NeurEco model. An add-on license *neureco_dynamic_embed* is a license specific for export to FMU format (see, for example, :std:ref:`Export NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model with GUI`). For a quickstart tutorial, see :std:ref:`NeurEco discrete dynamic quickstart tutorial` For a full documentation, see :std:ref:`Discrete Dynamic`